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What constitutes a large or small penis?

Is penis size really all that important? More precisely, is it important today? In ancient times, men did not worry about penis size because it was not an issue at all. Just look at the statues of Greek and Roman gods. A large penis could be a disadvantage in hand to hand combat and people back then viewed large penises as comical and unsightly.

Today however, our society has become “phallocentric,” and every guy wants to have a large penis (at least in secret). Some men are so concerned about others looking down on their penis size that they make requests to the companies which manufacture penile enhancers to put down a different name on their credit card statements.

Most men have a very vague idea about the true size of their penises and consider themselves as below average, when in fact; they are of average size, or above average. Most sex experts say that women do not rate penis size as important, but just try convincing any man about that. Generally, men who believe they have large penises are more self confident than men who think otherwise. Penis size is a really big issue these days.

For most men out there, the average erect penis size is roughly 5-6 inches long. That’s not very long if you ask me. According to the International Journal of Impotence, the average penis length is 5.35 inches or 13.6 cm. A 1991 Lifestyle Condoms survey put it as 5.9 inches, or 14.9 centimeters. Then, you have an old survey done by Alfred C Kinsey way back in 1948 that concluded the average penis size was 6.21 inches.

Such variance exists because of differences in genetics, diet and exposure to pollution. Especially these days, the foods we eat are contaminated with many types of chemicals and pesticides, which could have negative effects on our growth, height, DNA, and genital size. These variations could also be due to inconsistent measurement of the penis.

Based on these findings, a large penis size would be something in the region of 8 inches and more. The biggest penis size so far documented is 13.5 inches. Large penis size does not appear to have any relation to reproductive ability, but in the porn industry, a large penis is an essential prerequisite for any male actor. And of course, with all the hype about a large penis, having one that is of reasonable size at least, helps in quite a number of situations.

One thing to remember, is that the size of a penis in a flaccid state, has no relation to its size when erect. Some irresponsible products make claims that their product can enlarge the penis even in a flaccid state. This is scientifically untrue. Real penis size is always taken to mean the size during a full fledged erection.

If you’re looking to get a larger erection, make sure the solution you choose is both safe and healthy at the same time. This means herbal based penis enlargement pills like the popular VigRX Plus, are the best way to go.

For the healthy, safe answer to a small penis – Get VigRX Plus today!